Types Of Hanfu Collars
How many types of hanfu collars are there?
How many types of hanfu collars are there?
Moxiong (Chinese: 抹胸 ; pinyin: mǒ xiōng), is an undergarment worn by women with hanfu. Moxiong models have changed throughout...
In ancient times, there were short-sleeved shirts? Yes This clothing dates back to the Wei and Jin dynasties. This clothing...
Hanfu girl illustration with Merriel as model. 🎵 Song: CHINA-O 👩🎨 Illustration: 张儒英 Zhang Ruying (ivoci) 👩 Model: Merriel (on...
Fengguan Xiapei are not clothes, they are accessories. Fengguan means phoenix crown and xiapei means red cloud scarf. Fengguan Xiapei...
She wears Qixiong Ruqun combined with Pibo and Daxiushan. 🎵 Song: CHINA-冬雪
Hanfu girl wearing Jiaoling Ruqun and Doupeng, enjoying the breeze and falling leaves. 🎵 Song: 人间乐园
Kungfu girl illustration animation with Clubwinged as model. 🎵 Song: 天问 👩🎨 Illustration: 张儒英 Zhang Ruying (ivoci) 👩 Model: Clubwinged...
(Song: 孤独颂歌) Qixiong ruqun (Chinese: 齐胸襦裙 ; pinyin: qí xiōng rú qún) or qixiong shanqun (Chinese: 齐胸衫裙 ; pinyin: qí...