Bian Mian 便面, Ancient Chinese Women Go Out With A “Knife”?
In ancient times, there was a kind of “knife”, which could neither be used for cutting vegetables nor for self-defense,...
In ancient times, there was a kind of “knife”, which could neither be used for cutting vegetables nor for self-defense,...
The history of Chinese women’s makeup is very long. After the change of dynasty, traditional Chinese makeup changed with the...
Duo Ma Ji (堕马髻 ; duò mǎ jì), also known as Zhui Ma Ji (坠马髻 ; zhuì mǎ jì). Duo...
Panbo (襻膊 ; pàn bó) / (攀膊 ; pān bó) is a long piece of cloth tied over the sleeves...
How to make a simple Hanfu hairstyle in just five steps. Simple, no wig needed, perfect for girls who get...
Ancient hairstyles are more complicated than modern hairstyles. In ancient times, not only did women have to tie their hair...
端午安康 Wish you peace and health at Dragon Boat Festival
When you search for Hanfu, you will often come across “Wei Jin style”. Is the Wei Jin style clothing with...
Tuan Shan (Chinese: 团扇 ; pinyin: tuán shàn), also known as Gong Shan (宫扇) and Wan Shan (纨扇), originated in...
Have you ever thought about collecting Hanfu in all shapes and styles from all dynasties? But besides collecting them, we...